creative explorations


the letter you always meant to write

woodworking, furniture design, graphic design, risograph printing, interior design, letter writing

Every student in Stanford’s M.S. Design degree showcases their Personal Statement, the piece/exhibition/installation that showcases their essence as a designer. My personal statement was a testament to my love of writing letters, reflecting, and encouraging others to do the same. My prompt for visitors was as follows:

I invite you to write the letter you always meant to send -- share the impact someone has had on you, offer an apology, or say what you've always wanted to say. You can either hand it to them directly or leave it in the box— stamped and addressed— to be mailed.

This installation is dedicated to my mother, who has always made sure I have a dedicated place to write and reflect.

I created a maple writing desk and writing stool, designed 5 posters, and risograph printed postcards out of each design. Special thanks to Nick Hoversten for all the support and guidance with furniture design. Thank you to Koh Terai for taking photos of my work and making me laugh!

exploring family & joyful product consumption through risograph printing

digital design, risograph printing

These are photos of my maternal grandparents, mother, and uncle. Looking at photos of my family, it’s clear the imported VW Beetle was part of the family. It was in every photograph, and it enabled mobility, movement, and travel. Thank you to my dear sister, Moizza Shabbir, for archiving our wonderful family history. This work was created as a part of Advanced Creative Studies — a small, art studio critique class taught by David Kelley & Scott Doorley.


a pomegranate jewelry holder for my sister

sand casting, 3D printing, sheet metal forming, tube bending, laser cutting, woodworking

Create a beautiful and functional jewelry holder that celebrates organic shapes + natural precision. Maintain precision while working with organic shapes, design copper hinges, and create a smooth ‘door opening’ experience


wood turning